Call for Papers
We are pleased to invite 1500-word extended abstracts for the 33rd Annual GISRUK Conference, to be held 23rd-25th April 2025 hosted at the University of Bristol. An Early-Career Pre-conference event will also be held on the afternoon of April 22nd.
The deadline for submission is Friday, 31st January 2025. Please follow the submission link below:
GISRUK hosts research from across geographic information science, from fundamental research to applications of GIScience across many domains. This year, we are particularly excited to invite submissions that investigate Process in Geographic Information Science, including innovations in causal inference, graphical modelling, or re-thinking the link between the patterns we see and what we represent on our computer screens. Beyond this special invitation, we accept abstracts in the following topics, and beyond:
- Spatial statistics & analysis
- Data visualisation and communication
- Data generation using AI or novel spatial data synthesis
- Reproducibility, replication, and meta-science
- Statistical/Machine Learning and GeoAI
Application areas
- Transportation
- Environmental and ecological modelling
- Gender & society
- Housing and urban economics
- Health and public policy
- Labor and production in economic geography
- Submission is via Oxford Abstracts submission link.
- Submissions should be extended abstracts of no more than 1500 words.
- Abstracts must be prepared using one of these templates (MS Word, LaTeX, Quarto).
- New: Identify whether you would like your submission to be considered for the GISRUK & OSGeo:UK GoFundGeo Award.
- Authors should make efforts towards enabling reproducibility of their work, where possible. GISRUK do not produce specific guidance, but we encourage authors to include pre-registered hypotheses in their initial abstract submissions (if appropriate) and host replication code and data using FigShare, Zenodo, or the Open Science Framework. Any queries can be directed to :
Key dates
- Paper submission deadline: 31 January 2025
- Paper review notifications: 21 February 2025