Q-Step Festival & Geosilhouettes

On the 11th, I’ll be speaking at the Q-estival at the University of Exeter’s Q-Step Centre. The Q-Step program is a program to promote a “step change” in quantitative social science skills in the UK. I’m the Bristol Geography lead for the program. I’m real excited to take my first trip out to Exeter, see the place, and talk about some interesting computational social science!

In my talk, I’ll present some work I’ve done with Eli Knaap & Serge Rey on urban social boundaries. The preprint has been available on SocARXIVfor a while now, but now stands as an accepted manuscript to Environment and Planning, B: Urban Analytics and City Science! Further, the algorithms I’ll be talking about today are already implemented in pysal/esda, the python package for exploratory spatial statistics.

Check out the slide deck here, and I hope to see you in Exeter!

Last modified 2019.09.10